Regina is an engineer who has recently started their advocacy work, connecting with other community members and sharing community events and updates through their platform.
My grandmother lived in Chung Pak and passed away 1.5 months ago. I found out about the jail when I went to her funeral.
Chinatown was my second home. I spent many weekends here visiting my grandmother and going to church.
Fighting for Chinatown consumes every moment of free time in my life. It's hard to find time to exercise and I barely sleep.
My husband are considering when to start a family but I keep thinking, how am I supposed to fight for Chinatown and try to have a kid?
This is the city’s first design-build rather than design-bid-build project, so we don’t have any idea what the design is.
There’s water in the soil of Canal street that would need to be pumped out, that’s actually really risky. Pile driving is about 120 decibels, how are they going to mitigate that? How can the businesses and the citizens in the building survive? I don’t get it.
Rikers is supposed to close as a jail by August 31, 2027. The city is pushing everything through without enough consideration of the local community because doing so would take up time needed to focus on demolishing, designing, and building. I'm now trying to think through how to change the law.
I started my platform to teach people the story, the history. I just finished this page I’ll post on the site.
I also wanted to build out an email form that allows people to find who to email to get attention on different issues.
Until recently, The people fighting the jails and fighting the shelters aren’t helping the other. A lot of the shelter language is viewed as NIMBY* while some view the jail as a done deal. (*Not in my backyard)
If you zoomed out far enough it’s the same story, it’s a story of institutionalized hate and pushing through things to Chinatown because people don’t have a voice.
A lot of people in Chinatown are Chinese speaking people who didn’t know what’s going on. There's a whole group of people that I feel is untapped. So I’m trying to connect the three Chinatown, Brooklyn, and Queens.
How did we get here? AAPI wasn’t watching. I wasn’t watching. We generally speaking haven’t been civically engaged, there hasn’t been an issue that brings us together.
Statistic from the POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, 2021
What are the things we can learn from the Civil Rights Movement and Black Lives Matter? Let's find what unites us.
There are so many nuances within AAPI and nobody’s going to understand what it’s like.
One day, I would like to book out Madison Square Garden or Barclays Center and throw a massive unity rally to come together over the issues we face but also to celebrate Asian excellence. Can you hear us now?
“Can you hear us now?”
People are pushing for criminal justice reform, people also want to help the homeless. We want all these other things too, within Chinatown, it was just like, can you help us too?
You’re pro-closing Rikers, are you also pro-protecting the people of Chinatown?
Explore four community members’ perspectives on the jail plan and their relationship withr Chinatown.
*Parts of the interviews have been edited for clarity.
On April 11, 2022, the Department of Design and Construction started installing construction fencing in preparation for dismantling the Tombs.
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