Justin Yu is the Chairman of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of New York, former President of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, one of the oldest community organizations in New York, and serve as board member in many other organizations.

Justin Y.

I moved from Taiwan to New York in 1972, I was a reporter for the World Journal Daily for 25 years. I have seen New York City up and  down.

Justin Y.

When I move into Confucius Plaza in late 1975, I was one of the youngest.

Today, I’m still the youngest after 46 years. The building and the residents are aging together.

Justin Y.

I engaged in community activity since I retired. I was the Chairman of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of New York, served as the former president of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association...

Justin Y.

The jail is going to hurt us. We hope they can scale down to a smaller size and shorten constructor time.

Because of the jail, Baxter street may disappear in a couple of years.

Justin Y.

There’s also the shelters. 20 hotels were constructed before the pandemic, after the pandemic they are empty and now the city is utilizing the hotel to shelter.

Small business community just cannot afford so many shelters. It’s an obstacle for our recovery process.

Justin Y.

Justin Y.

But I am optimistic because we have almost 100 organizations that own buildings. This should be very stable for us to exist for the coming years.

Justin Y.

During the pandemic, so many original business people just pack and  left.

Now the core area of Chinatown all open up, small businesses are coming back, which I’m very happy about.

Justin Y.

During the pandemic, the younger generation also came back to serve.They are doing all kinds of work, and we are encouraging them to do it.

Before the Pandemic, we’re always worried about where all the organizations are going to be but now they are coming back we see the hope.

Justin Y.

In Chinese, we say 危機, 危機. From very negative impact we see the bright hope from this.

Yes. There’s a silver lining.


On April 11, 2022, the Department of Design and Construction started installing construction fencing in preparation for dismantling the Tombs.

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